Tuesday, November 20, 2007

great minnesota get together

Great Minnesota Get Together!

This is a picture of Bridger and his friend Abby Schunk at his first Minnesota State Fair. Little does he know, that his parents will continue to make this yearly trek and he will be dragged along. Highlights always include...the "all you can drink" milk stand along with chocolate chip cookies by the bucket, the biggest sow exhibit, barnyard tours and all the free stuff you can collect.
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Thursday, October 11, 2007

my grandparents are the best! They played with me all day on wednesday. They kept calling it "feeding" me, but I just thought it was a ton of fun eating the spoon, grabbing Patti's hands and generally smiling at Randy. Thanks for coming up..my parents loved seeing you guys play with me!
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7 Months and counting!

Now, that I think this blog-thing might work....the pictures will keep on coming! Did I mention how much he loves to hang out outside? He can't get enough of it. We have a pear tree that has showered our lawn with "golden-chewtoys" according to Bridger. If he could crawl I think he would try to hoard them them in his pockets. He now has one lonely tooth on his bottom jaw....eagerly awaiting a friend to keep it company. although, we wish teething could be a one day affair.....
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Wow has Bridger grown! today is his 7 month birthday. this is one of our favorite pics of him playing. He has become quite the ham...and vocal about what He likes and what he doesn't like. Jake started his first "big-kid-job" and I tag along for 2 days out of the week. Its been a huge blessing to work together and at the Community health center. they are amazing people how love to help people.
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Friday, September 14, 2007

Our first Blog!

Hope this works, and we can get the hang of it. Bridger had his 6month appointment today. He passed with flying colors and had a grand time snuggling with Kim, his doctor.